the journey of life

Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 6, 2012

h9's feeling.........i love it

Sometimes in my life I have a crazy time special in the mighnight. In these days, I think about my life, life around me and I wondered something... There are many things I must do now but I don't know what I should do first(*). I met a new friend and he showed me some points. Casualy, I sign in paltalk and met a special man and he showed me how we can change ' tư tưởng', expand our knowledge ,etc... Althought he taught me many things but I understood something from him >'''<. But at least, I will try to finish some exercises. I think this is the frist thing I must do. Don't think too much about the things are complicated and I can't do anything when I continued  thinking aimless(**). That's all. I must go to sleep now and tomorrow I will start my plan about learning English.
Get up at 7 am and sleep at 11pm. Try to do it! >'<
p.s: english is not too hard, it is just a tool that people use it to communicate each other about various subject and I need it for my job. So that I start learning English from a little things. It's just a tool!!! 3 months!!! I have 3 months!!! Hope that everything will be done.
staring a new day, let's listen this music
: lights----ellie goulding

i love your feeling, your expression....and i have a topic lol:
There are many things I must do now but I don't know what I should do first
>>I’m actually disturbed of so many things nowadays because of so many things that are put on my shoulders and I hardly know what to do first
>>So manythings are put on my shoulders and i hardly know what to do first.

 >>topic : how to stay self-motivated?



.                6.Fragile /  [ adj ]
/  'frædʒaɪl /
= Easily borken; breakable; weak; frail.

(Dễ gãy; có thể gãy, bẻ gãy; yếu; mảnh khảnh.)
Ex: The handle is fragile; it will easily break if you use too much pressure.
(Tay cầm ấy rất mỏng manh; nó sẽ dễ dàng bị gãy nếu như anh ấn xuống quá mạnh.)

7.               7.Galore / 30: [ adj ]
/ gə'lɔ: /
      Plentiful; abundant (galore always follows the word it modifies)
       ( Nhiều; phong phú (galore luôn luôn đi theo sau từ mà nó phẩm định)
Ex: There were no failures on the final test, but on the midterm there were failures galore.
(Không có ai rớt trong kỳ thi trắc nghiệm cuối cùng, nhưng vào giữa khóa thì số người rớt nhiều.)


           8.Genuine / 30: [ adj ]
/ 'dʒenjuɪn /
= Actually being what it is claimed or seems to be; true; real; authentic.

          ( Thật sự đúng như tên gọi hoặc đúng như người ta thấy; thật; thật sự; đích thực.)
Ex: Jane wore an imitation fur coat that every one thought it was made of genuine leopard skin.
(Jane mặc 1 chiếc áo lông thú giả mà mọi người nghĩ rằng nó làm bằng da báo thật.)

9.        9. Hostile / 30 : [ adj, n ]
/ 'hɔstaɪl /
= Of or relating to an enemy or enemies; unfriendly   

( Thuộc hoặc có liên quan đến kẻ thù; không thân hữu.)
Ex: It was not immediately announced whether the submarine reported off our coast was of a friendly or a hostile nation.
(Người ta không loan báo lập tức rằng chiếc tàu lặn được báo cáo xuất hiện ngòai khơi bờ biển của chúng ta là của 1 quốc gia bạn hay 1 quốc gia thù nghịch.)

10.    10.Impatient / 30: [adj]
/ ɪm'peɪʃənt /
= Not patient; not willing to bear delay; restless; anxious
( Không kiên nhẫn; không chịu được sự trì hoãn; bồn chồn; lo lắng.)
Ex: Five minutes can seem like five hours when you are impatient.
5 phút có thể xem như 5 giờ khi bạn nôn nóng, không kiên nhẫn.)

11.             11.Inter / 30: [ v ]
/ ɪn'tɜ: /
= Put into the earth or in a grave; bury

( Chôn xuống đất hoặc trong huyệt mộ; chôn cất.)
Ex: Many American heroes are interred in Arlington National Cemetery.
(Nhiều anh hùng nước Mỹ được an táng ở nghĩa trang quốc gia Arlington.)

should TA have a part-time job while studying?

Many people 'had worked' while studied in the school. They said that it’s the best memorable experience in their life. But, should the 'teenagers' have a part-time job along their studying?
Are you a student in high school, secondary 'school'?  You have a 'part-time' job, here are somethings will come to you:
First of all, that’s money. You can buy anything you want , pay the cost of living by your own. It’s a good feeling, all right?. 'moreover', it’s also a good chance to create your own business with the free finance. A young 'millionaire', why not?
If you don’t need money, no matter. More relationships will come to you. It’s up to you to choose a best friend who  maybe always behind you along the years. You know that: “ the more friends you have, the more success you do”.
'beside' the points, you have so much money and you don’t know how to spend it, the part-time job will teach you about the time value of money, how difficult to earn money so you can build it bigger forever. You have  a lot of friends in so many networks such as: Facebook, tweeter, etc but  the problem is you spend all day flirting to your friends instead of hitting the book or somethings in 'life'. I remind you that the part-time job is a key. You even have no time for yourself and then Facebook will disappear 'automatically' from your mind without any drags.
On the other hands, 'straining' at working would make you have nothing.  A real story about an honor 17 year-old Vietnamese girl who is living in texas, had been punished about  $ 100 and putted in the prison in 24 hours by the Houston court because of  many truancies. She took both full time job and part-time job that make her so tired to go to school. Although , her 'parents' were broken, she had to earn money for younger sister, older brother, and herself but in my 'opinions', overload in working is not good for any reasons.
So working besides studying is the best way to success but 'remember' that :
“ don’t spread your self too thin” .

pasta fixed no#1

Topic 1: should teenagers have a part time job while studying?

 Are you a student in high school, secondary shool?  You have a part time job, here are somethings will come to you:

Nowadays, many people have been working while studying in the school. They said that it’s the best memorable experience in their life, but it’s actually a hard time for them to do best at both studying and working. In my opinion, I agree that teenagers should have a part time job besides school for several reasons

Nowadays, many people had been working while studying in the school. They said that it’s the best memorable experience in their life. But, should the teenages have a part time job along their studying?

First of all, having a part time job will help you earn money. You can buy anything you want, pay the cost of living by your own. You do not have to depend on parents’ money. You earn money, you spend money, and I’m sure that you will do it wisely because it is not easy to earn money. You understand that deeply. So, part time job not only helps you to spend money by your own, but also teaches you how to save it and use it efficiently.  

First of all, that’s money. You can buy anything you want , pay the cost of living by your own. It’s a good feeling, all right?. Morever, it’s also a good chance to create your own business with the free finance. A young milionare, why not?

Secondly, part time job is a good channel to make friends. More relationships will come to you. It’s really important for you in the future because they are a good connection for you to other relationships. Especially if you want to be a businessman, a lawyer, It is really important for you in the future because they are a good connection for you to other relationships. It’s up to you to choose a best friend who may be always behind you along the years. You know that: “the more friends you have, the more success you do”.

If you don’t need money, no matter. More relationships will come to you. It’s up to you to choose a best friend who  maybe always behind you along the years. You know that: “ the more friends you have, the more success you do”.

Beside the points, if you spend time on working, it’s better than wasting time on Internet. A lot of teenagers spend so much time on playing video games, or access to social networks such such as: facebook, tweeter… The problem is you spend all day flirting to your friends instead of hitting the book or playing sport. It is bad for your health and your mind. Doing a part time job makes you busy with working, you don’t have free time for Internet and more real time for new experiences.

Biside the points, you have so much money and you don’t know how to spend it, the part time job will teach you about the time value of money, how difficult to earn money so you can build it bigger forever. You have  a lot of friends in so many networks such as: facebook, tweetter, etc but  the problem is you spend all day flirting to your friends instead of hitting the book or somethings in a real life. I remind you that the part time job is a key. You even have no time for yourself and then Facebook will disappear automaticaly from your mind without any drags.

On the other hands, straining at working would make you have nothing.  A real story about an honor 17 year-old Vietnamese girl who is living in Texas, had been punished about $100 and putted in the prison in 24 hours by the Houston court because of truancies. She took both full time job and part time job that make her so tired to go to school. Although, her parents were broken, she had to earn money for younger sister, older brother, and herself but in my opinions, overload in working is not good for any reasons. So working besides studying is the best way to success but remember that: “Don’t spread yourself too thin” .

On the other hands, strainning at working would make you have nothing.  A real story about an honor 17 year-old vietnamese girl who is living in texas, had been punished about  $ 100 and putted in the prison in 24 hours by the houston court because of  many truancies. She took both full time job and part time job that make her so tired to go to school. Although , her parrents were broken, she had to earn money for younger sister, older brother, and herself but in my oppinions, overload in working is not good for any reasons.

In conclusion, having a part time jobs bring you a lot of benefits. Besides you can earn more money for  life expenses, use time wisely, you can also create more relationships for your future. Always remind yourself to study and it is number one purpose. Be a smart person to help you balance your life. 

So working besides studying is the best way to success but remmember that :

“ don’t spread your self too thin” .

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 6, 2012

academic words shop #1

1.CI'VILIAN: pronounce [n, adj]
A person who is not a armed- forces, the police or fire-fighting forces.

-meaning: thường dân.
-example: eight of the passengers were the soldier, one was a marine, the rest were civilians.
2.'COMPLICATED: pronounce [adj]
Not simple or easy, intricate
-meaning: rắc rối, tinh vi.
-example: if some of requirements for graduation seem complicated, see your guidance connselor.he will be glad to explain them to you.

3.CON'CUR :pronounce [v]
Agree, be of the same oppinion

-meaning: đồng ý, cùng ý kiến
-example: good sportsmanship requires you to accept the umpire's desision even if you don't concur with it.
4.CON'FIRM: pronounce [v]
State or prove the truth, substantiate

-meaning: chứng thực, xác nhận
-example: my phisician thought i had  broken my wrist and an Xray later confirmed his oppinion.
5.DIGRESS: pronounce [v]
Turn aside, get off the main subject in talking or writing.

-meaning: lạc đề.
-example: at one point in his talk, the speaker disgressed to tell us an incident in his childhood, but then he got right back to his topic.

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 6, 2012

thư giới thiệu

hà nội ngày 16/6/2012, trích "
"hi hi hi...mình là người việt nam nên rất thích xem mấy thứ mà người việt ở năm châu hay làm lắm...
này......................này....bạn đã xem xong chưa đấy.....ok...mình tiếp nhé:
họ và tên: phạm đức anh
tên thân mật: khánh. :))
giới tính và tuổi cho phép mình được giữ bí mật....:)
người đời nói quả không sai, sau khi tắm gội thì con người ta mới là chính họ, mình đã đủ cam đảm để viết tiếp...
mình sinh ra trong một gia đình có truyền thống ngàn năm là người việt, được thừa hưởng đức tính kiên trì , ham học của cha ông....mọi chuyện có lẽ sẽ nhẹ trôi theo dòng thời gian nếu như không có ngày ấy.......Năm 18 tuổi, có lẽ sẽ không thể nào quên mùa hè, 1 mùa hè tím màu bằng lăng....mình chính thức bị đuổi khỏi ...nhà......mình thấy cũng bình thường vì đã kịp thuê 1 căn nhà mới....( nói tóm lại mình có nhiều nhà để ở :)).
thế rồi mình lại tiếp tục hành trình tìm nhà mới...mình gặp pasta...và biết room của td...nói thật đây chính là cv+ thư giới thiệu của mình....
mọi người hay gọi td là cha....nhưng mình thích gọi td là td hơn...., td và các bạn thân , không biết mình có được nhận làm con nuôi hay không nữa nhưng nếu được nhận mình tin chắc cuốn nhật kí đó sẽ sang một trang mới....tuy rằng nó đã được đóng bìa,,,, mình xin được làm lời tựa cho chương mới đó: chương II, tôi  S2_SNCT_S2 đến đây với nhiều sứ mệnh trong đó có việc cân bằng lại dân số room..."
khi đọc những dòng này chắc con hiểu thêm một lý do nữa tại sao cha không thi vào khối DÊ chứ,.....ok.....chúc con đi đúng con đường phía trước...way to go....quên..mai cha có bài kiểm tra...nhưng con đừng lo...cha được làm ở nhà..hì hì *_^

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 6, 2012

should TEENAGES have a partime job while studying?

Topic 1: should teenages have a part time job while studying?


Nowadays, many people had been working while studying in the school. They said that it’s the best memorable experience in their life. But, should the teenages have a part time job along their studying?

Are you a student in high school, secondary shool?  You have a part time job, here are somethings will come to you:

First of all, that’s money. You can buy anything you want , pay the cost of living by your own. It’s a good feeling, all right?. Morever, it’s also a good chance to create your own business with the free finance. A young milionare, why not?

If you don’t need money, no matter. More relationships will come to you. It’s up to you to choose a best friend who  maybe always behind you along the years. You know that: “ the more friends you have, the more success you do”.

Biside the points, you have so much money and you don’t know how to spend it, the part time job will teach you about the time value of money, how difficult to earn money so you can build it bigger forever. You have  a lot of friends in so many networks such as: facebook, tweetter, etc but  the problem is you spend all day flirting to your friends instead of hitting the book or somethings in a real life. I remind you that the part time job is a key. You even have no time for yourself and then Facebook will disappear automaticaly from your mind without any drags.

On the other hands, strainning at working would make you have nothing.  A real story about an honor 17 year-old vietnamese girl who is living in texas, had been punished about  $ 100 and putted in the prison in 24 hours by the houston court because of  many truancies. She took both full time job and part time job that make her so tired to go to school. Although , her parrents were broken, she had to earn money for younger sister, older brother, and herself but in my oppinions, overload in working is not good for any reasons.

So working besides studying is the best way to success but remmember that :

“ don’t spread your self too thin” .